The people decide in the People’s Choice Awards

Melissa Wardell | August 8, 2019

We’re proud sponsors of the Plain English Awards and we’re excited about the changes happening to the Awards from 2019.

The Trust that organises the Awards has decided to focus on the full Awards every second year. And this year, the People’s Choice Awards for Best and Worst Communications are getting all the attention.

Trust Chair Gregory Fortuin puts it like this.

You won’t be surprised to hear we need plenty of time and resources to organise the Plain English Awards every year. We also know that the Awards momentum is strong and that the general public’s appetite for plain English continues to grow.

We thought long and hard about the change to the timing of the Awards. And we know some of you are disappointed that you can’t enter your work as plain language champions yourselves this year.

However, we see the changes as an opportunity to plan for even stronger entries in 2020! We’ll especially be looking forward to seeing the entries in the Champion categories, which take such a lot of preparation.

Image, person dropping a ballot envelope into a voting box

The People’s Choice Awards are all about giving the public a voice. Image by Arnaud Jaegers. Unsplash licence.

Three great reasons to get involved in the People’s Choice Awards

Meanwhile, the Plain English Awards folks have come up with three great reasons for getting involved in the People’s Choice Awards. We thought they were so good that we’d share them here.

Let us know what you think — and get those nominations in before the end of August!

First, you want to do something about frustratingly confusing communications

When you nominate a communication for the not-so-coveted Brainstrain Award, you’ll be helping to make a positive difference to the way organisations communicate.

Almost without exception, organisations step up to ‘take it on the chin’ when nominated for the dreaded bin of sour worm lollies. With the public scrutiny they get from winning the Brainstrain Award, they’re motivated to change.

Nominate a communication for the Brainstrain

Second, you want to share a wonderful example of clear communication with the world

We love to celebrate the great work happening in so many organisations that are improving the way they communicate. Winning the Best Plain English Communication is a public pat on the back for New Zealand’s clearest communicators.

Help the best communicators get the recognition they deserve

And third, you want to help improve the lives of everyday Kiwis

The People’s Choice Awards help organisations to keep things real with their communications. If they win the Best Plain English Communication, they’re recognised for getting things right for their audience. If, however, they win the dreaded Brainstrain, they have plenty of incentive to change for the good. And everyday Kiwis can only benefit from clearer communication.

Don’t muck about. It’s time to send your nominations for this year’s People’s Choice Awards!

Find out more about the Awards here.

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